8th Annual USD School of Law – RJS LAW Tax Controversy Institute

Our partners, Dennis Perez and Sandra Brown, had the privilege of speaking in San Diego on Friday at the 8th Annual USD School of Law- RJS LAW Tax Controversy Institute.
Joining Dennis Perez on the Government Loans Panel, which provided an in depth focused on PPP, EIDL and ERC audit and fraud issues, were AUSA Dylan M. Aste, Special Litigation Counsel Joseph Orabona, and IRS CI SSA Jason Powell as well as moderators Kaveh and Sam Imandoust.
Sandra Brown was joined on the Criminal Tax Investigations and Prosecution panel by the Honorable Allison H. Goddard, former AUSA Daniel Silva, and former IRS CI Chiefs Don Fort and Victor Song. Always nice to present with former colleagues and a bonus to learn various tips about federal court procedures and sentencings from Magistrate Judge Goddard.
Many thanks to Ronson J. Shamoun for co-hosting such an informative conference event, and to our tremendous panelists for their enlightening comments on these interesting tax controversy topics.